sMRT Station
sMRT Station

sMRT Station

The sMRT Station is a portable tracking device specifically designed for Fast Response Crafts (FRC’s).

Built in a robust, waterproof case, this pick-up-and-go tracking solution uses VHF DSC and AIS.

When the sMRT Station receives the DSC and AIS positions from one of the sMRT Personal Locator Beacons, it displays them on the AIS chart plotter giving a visual representation of the man overboard (MOB).

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Why choose a sMRT Station?

  • No need to set up - just grab and go
  • Gives a visual position in seconds of your man overboard (MOB)
  • Allows you to communicate with your parent vessel and other rescue forces nearby to give your crew member the greatest chance of survival.
  • Tracks an unlimited number of alerting units, so you can find and save multiple crew members
  • Robust, waterproof and safe to use in all weather conditions
  • Multiple antenna options available

Designed to be utilised with the sMRT Personal Locator Beacon (PLB) range

Our innovative sMRT Personal Locator Beacon (PLB) range has been specifically designed to meet international safety standards - combining industry-leading 121.5MHz, VHF DSC and AIS technologies. 

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Direction Finding

Direction Finding





Automatic Alarm

Automatic Alarm

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Marine Rescue Technologies Limited
Wescom Group,
Unit J1, Springfield Way,
Anlaby, HU10 6RJ